18-10-2006, 22:10
De http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/galactic-civili...024p1.html :
De http://www.galciv2.com/darkavatar/index.aspx :
Korath... Kohr-Ah... Hmm.
Quote:Following their triumph over the galaxy's lesser species, the Drengin have split into two factions with irreconcilable differences. The more clear-headed of these wishes simply to eradicate the remnants non-Drengin life, while the more liberal among the Empire would rather see the galaxy's races subjugated and enslaved.
De http://www.galciv2.com/darkavatar/index.aspx :
Quote:The evil Drengin Empire reigns supreme across the galaxy. But there is an internal disagreement over what to do with the vanquished -- enslave them or eliminate them. The most powerful Drengin clan, the Korath, demand total extermination of all non-Drengin. The player takes on the role of the Dark Avatar, leader of the Drengin military to thwart the genocidal plans of the Korath in order to make the galaxy safe for oppression...
Korath... Kohr-Ah... Hmm.

"Being based on history, the stages of the game will also be based on battles which actually took place in ancient Japan. So here's this giant enemy crab..."