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Blog sobre tecnologia

Tenho andado entretido com isto nos últimos dias. Smile
"Being based on history, the stages of the game will also be based on battles which actually took place in ancient Japan. So here's this giant enemy crab..."
You might want to spend some more time coming up with a name :roll:
"I have no answers for you, vermin. Only scorn!"
- The Vyro-Ingo, "Star Control 3"
Ei! Não é todos os dias que se cria uma palavra inteiramente nova! Biggrin
"Being based on history, the stages of the game will also be based on battles which actually took place in ancient Japan. So here's this giant enemy crab..."
Olha que nesse aspecto eu já me adiantei há algum tempo: Foinka! 8)

E o Focus RS e o Shadow Dragon podem-no confirmar! A Tru Davies também! 8)
"I have no answers for you, vermin. Only scorn!"
- The Vyro-Ingo, "Star Control 3"

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