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Phoenix Wright na WiiWare
[Image: present_tutorial.jpg]

"I have no answers for you, vermin. Only scorn!"
- The Vyro-Ingo, "Star Control 3"

Quote:The first game, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, is a port of the original Game Boy Advance title -- and, like the two subsequent WiiWare editions, Justice for All and Trials and Tribulations, remains unchanged from its original release (read: same graphics, sound, dialog) save for the ability to swing the Wii Remote out (as in the image above, which is one-off, non-sprite art) to object and present evidence to the court. They'll all be presented in widescreen, but the actual gameplay only takes up a 4:3 area on top of an animated background.

Não me parece que tenha grande valor para quem já tenha os jogos... mas talvez eles eventualmente façam um jogo novo a sério para a Wii. We can hope...
"Being based on history, the stages of the game will also be based on battles which actually took place in ancient Japan. So here's this giant enemy crab..."

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