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Blue Ray - Onde é que isto vai parar?
In January 2007, Hitachi showcased a 100 GB Blu-ray Disc, which consists of four layers containing 25 GB each. Unlike TDK and Panasonic's 100 GB discs, they claim this disc is readable on standard Blu-ray Disc drives that are currently in circulation, and it is believed that a firmware update is the only requirement to make it readable to current players and drives.

Pioneer is exhibiting its super multi-layer read-only optical disc which features 16 separate layers on a single side with 25GB storage capacity on each layer for a total capacity of 400GB at the IT Month fair taking place in Taipei.

The technology of the super multi-layer read-only disc is based on Blu-ray Disc (BD) with a breakthrough in material of reflective layers, according to Pioneer High Fidelity Taiwan. The specifications of the pick-up head (PUH) of the disc is the same as those for the PUH of blank BD discs, and therefore the Pioneer discs can be read on BD players, the company said.

According to Pioneer's internal roadmap, its super multi-layer technology development is read-only (ROM) discs in 2008-2010, rewritable discs in 2010-2012 and 1TB (1,000GB) disc in 2013, the company indicated.
There's no stoppin' what can't be stopped, no killin' what can't be killed. You can't see the eyes of the demon, until him come callin'...
Isso é óptimo...

Mas imaginemos que queremos fazer um backup de tudo o que temos no PC para i, Blu-Ray de 1 Tera...
Como é que se grava uma coisa dessas? Em 2 dias, praí... e se dá erro é uma chatice

Já para não falar do preço... os DVDs até nem estão baratos (principalmente os Dual-Layer)
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything
Na minha opinião, o futuro passa pelos cartões de memória. São mais baratos de produzir, ocupam menos espaço físico, cada vez têm mais capacidade.. é só vantagens. Não sei porque insistem em discos, mas pronto, eu sou n00b =D

ps: não é Blue-ray, mas sim Blu-ray (é o nome que lhe puseram, lol, mas sim, vem de blue, claro)

De todos os fóruns que conheço, este é um deles.

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