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Politica nos EUA
[Image: ROFL.gif]
A imagem está muito bem feita, mas a boneca bate tudo. Smile
[Image: indiaslb1mj1o.gif]
Sarah Palin sex tape leaked!
[Image: BFH_BarackDoll.jpg]
Um novo candidato!
E não receias que o teu passado de alcolismo te possa prejudicar?
[Image: indiaslb1mj1o.gif]
Rufferto Wrote:E não receias que o teu passado de alcolismo te possa prejudicar?

O meu passado de alcoolismo foi feito de propo'sito para este tipo de coisa!!!
Pensa no Bush. Wink
Cobaia Wrote:O meu passado de alcoolismo foi feito de propo'sito para este tipo de coisa!!!
Pensa no Bush. Wink

Bem visto, gafanhoto.
[Image: indiaslb1mj1o.gif]
Sarprise butt sechs!!!

[Image: svMCCAIN-420x0.jpg]
Bem apanhada, essa foto. Os meus parabéns ao fotógrafo. Smile
[Image: indiaslb1mj1o.gif]
é montagem, claro xD mas toda a gente sabe que é isso que ele queria...
De todos os fóruns que conheço, este é um deles.
"I have no answers for you, vermin. Only scorn!"
- The Vyro-Ingo, "Star Control 3"
[Image: lolcain.gif]
[Image: 1224479035868.jpg]
estou a ver que tenho de começar a fazer montagens também :p
De todos os fóruns que conheço, este é um deles.
FoxRS Wrote:estou a ver que tenho de começar a fazer montagens também :p

Esta's 'a vontade!
Cobaia Wrote:
FoxRS Wrote:estou a ver que tenho de começar a fazer montagens também :p

Esta's 'a vontade!

Aqui vai ela:
[img][Image: montagem1xh8.jpg] [Image: w1092.png][/img]

ps: quando tiver menos sono, faço uma melhor Biggrin
De todos os fóruns que conheço, este é um deles.
E entretanto vi ontem no Daily Show declarações da Sarah Palin a dizer que o aborto deve ser proibido mesmo em casos de incesto ou violação... e pode essa mulher chegar a VP dos States.
[Image: indiaslb1mj1o.gif]
Rufferto Wrote:E entretanto vi ontem no Daily Show declarações da Sarah Palin a dizer que o aborto deve ser proibido mesmo em casos de incesto ou violação... e pode essa mulher chegar a VP dos States.

A VP? Eu estou mais preocupado com o facto de ela poder chegar a presidente.
"I have no answers for you, vermin. Only scorn!"
- The Vyro-Ingo, "Star Control 3"
Onde está o wally? Biggrin
[Image: n3taar.gif]
É que a Sarah Palin mete medo... mas é medo da estupidez dela... E é contra tudo, ou a favor de coisas que não devia.
É um estereótipo perigoso...

A Wikipedia diz:
Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982 and has described the Republican Party platform as "the right agenda for America". Palin is a social conservative. A lifetime member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), she believes the right to bear arms includes handgun possession, and is against a ban on semi-automatic assault weapons. She has supported gun safety education for youth. She supports capital punishment.In a 2006 gubernatorial debate, responding to a question asking the candidates whether they would support teaching creationism in public schools, Palin stated that she supported teaching both creationism and evolution. Shortly after that debate, however, Palin said in an interview that she had only meant to say she supports allowing the discussion of creationism in public schools, but says it does not have to be part of the curriculum. Palin opposes same-sex marriage and supported a non-binding referendum for an Alaskan constitutional amendment to deny state health benefits to same-sex couples; however, early in her gubernatorial term she vetoed such a bill, citing its current unconstitutionality. Palin has called herself "as pro-life as any candidate can be" and has called abortion an "atrocity." Palin has stated that abortion should be banned in nearly all cases, including rape and incest, except if the life of the mother is endangered. Palin has stated that she does not support embryonic stem cell research. She supports sex education in public schools that encourages abstinence but also discusses birth control.

Palin has promoted oil and natural gas resource exploration in Alaska, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.[80] She brought suit to overturn the listing of polar bears under the federal Endangered Species Act,[204] and also opposed listing the beluga whales in Alaska’s Cook Inlet as an endangered species.[205] The official Alaska press release stated that she had "asked [the National Marine Fisheries Service] to work with the state and other scientists to finalize and implement a conservation plan for the Cook Inlet stock of belugas."[206]
On global warming, Palin said that "a changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made."[207] She later said that "man's activities certainly can be contributing to the issue" and that "John McCain and I agree that we gotta do something about it."

Regarding foreign policy, Palin supports the Bush Administration's policies in Iraq, but is concerned that "dependence on foreign energy" may be obstructing efforts to "have an exit plan in place". Palin supports preemptive military action in the face of an imminent threat, and supports U.S. military operations in Pakistan. She declined to give a yes or no answer regarding whether U.S. military forces should make cross-border attacks into Pakistan without the approval of the Pakistani government.She supports NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia, and affirms that if Russia invaded a NATO member, the United States should meet its treaty obligations.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything
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[Image: election.png]

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