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Worst comic ever?
[Image: 2m7cef5.jpg]

Hulk #05

Suponho que já tenham lido o Hulk #5 e que tenham ficado tão enojados como eu. Se não leram o livro, então é melhor fazerem-no antes de continuarem a ler este post. Perante um comic tão mau, não resisti a ler outras opiniões sobre ele. Destaco duas, tiradas do IGN. A primeira é a review oficial, a segunda é um comentário:

Never has a Hulk writer made me so identify with Bruce Banner's inner rage. After reading this comic, I want to stomp and smash and break things and make loud noises and just generally show the world how ticked off I am. In this case, however, it has nothing to do with a writer using skill and craft to make me empathize with a hero. Quite the opposite. Hulk #5 is a bad, bad comic. Quite possibly the worst yet in this young series. That makes me angry. Finding myself still lacking the ability to grow giant, green muscles, I'll have to settle for ripping the comic to shreds.

Here's the thing - when you play with other peoples' toys, common decency suggests you should treat them nicely and put them back in the box relatively unharmed. Hulk doesn't do that. The series has already treated She-Hulk and Iron Man like ragdolls who crumple under the awesome might of Red Hulk. Now it's Thor's turn. This should be a match up for the ages. You have Hulk, one version of him anyway, a beast with nearly limitless power doing battle with the all-powerful Norse god of thunder. Instead of making things interesting, or finally providing Red Hulk with a suitable opponent, Jeph Loeb allows his creation to trounce Thor for half the issue. I despise villains whose only defining trait is the fact that they're stronger than every other person in the universe. You may think it doesn't matter, and that I should stop whining that my precious Thor is getting shoved in the proverbial cafeteria trash can, but this series is undermining the character's place in the current Marvel Universe. J. Michael Straczynski and others have spent time carefully reestablishing Thor as a complex, powerful figure. This interpretation throws all of Straczynski' subtlety out the window and kicks sand in his face for good measure.

I'd move on from Thor to other areas, but there really isn't much to talk about. Once again, this issue is decompressed to the point where it takes roughly three or four minutes to read. When Thor and Red Hulk aren't brawling, Loeb spends a few panels teasing the mystery of Reddy's identity once again. It's not even a mystery anymore so much as a case of the characters saying, "I know and I'm not telling! Naahhh!!!" Fortunately, I stopped caring months ago whether Red Hulk is General Ross or Glenn Talbot or Onslaught or whoever the pool of candidates includes these days.

Bad dialogue, poor pacing, maltreated characters - the only saving grace for Hulk continues to be Ed McGuinness' art. However, this book has passed the point where I can just cover the word balloons with a Sharpie and stare at the pictures. I hate that this series is my only outlet for Hulk stories, and I hate that so many great Marvel characters are being dumped upon for no apparent or meaningful reason. Most of all, I hate the fact that this series will sell more copies in a week than many smaller, deserving books will all year. So if you're in the shop this week, staring at this issue and wondering if you should add it to your stack, think twice. It'll make me angry, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.


It has been a very long time since a comic book made me angry. (No I won't make any bad "Don't make me angry" jokes.) But this book royally p'ed me badly. Like many Marvel fans (and Thor fans in particular) I was among those who missed Thor's presence in Civil War and WWH. I am also one of those who still believe it should have been Thor, not Sentinel, who stopped the Hulk in WWH. Marvel is aware of the large segment of their fanbase who feels this way and they finally answered all of us in Hulk #5 with a giant, red 'Up Yours!' Red Hulk even acknowledged it when he drug Thor into space and mentioned Civil War AND WWH. (Note to Marvel - your characters demonstrating self-awareness that they are just comic characters isn't cute or wacky or ironic; it's just dumb. Hulk inexplicably leaving Thor alive on the moon also screams "this is a comic book!") And for the love of gods thunder and otherwise - why should gravity have any impact on someone's ability to wield Mjolnir. Gravity has nothing to do with. Thor's hammer isn't too heavy for others to pick up; others just aren't worthy to wield it. To let red Hulk manhandle Mjolnir and then smite Thor with it is yet another giant 'Up Yours,' this one aimed at 40 years of Thor continuity!!!. How in the name of sanity is Marvel going to reconcile this?!?! Suddenly, Thor is useless in space battles - just grab his hammer and pound him with it. I guess I missed the footnote on Mjolnir's inscription: "This warranty void in zero gravity environments." How did Odin overlook that little issue when he placed his enchantment on it. And, as the reviewer points out, this issue takes all of JMS's work in re-creating Thor and takes a giant red dump all over it. How can I believe that Thor can fight off the Skrulls? How can I believe he can even defend Asgard should red Hulk decide to visit Oklahoma? Oh, and that ending - with the possible exception of Ares there's not a one of those characters that would last 2 seconds against Thor. (Well, it used to be that way.) Yet somehow its all going to conclude next issue with this gang of also-rans taking down the Hulk? What sort of deus ex machina is Loeb and company going to pull out of Stark's rectum finish this debacle? The Thor ex machina failed pretty miserably. Marvel's preview page told us that this issue featured the battle we've all been waiting for. Excuse me? I don't know of anyone who was waiting for this load of craptacularness.
[Image: indiaslb1mj1o.gif]

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